A Drive Through Devil's Kettle

Water is the biggest mystery of the natural world. It is not only its greatness and universality that surprisingly comes from its chemical structure, but it is a wonder that the simplest compound can become a thriving and the most powerful force on earth when it is in its most miraculous and magnificent form – THE OCEAN. ðŸŒŠ


Well, if you see only the ocean as the biggest water form of wonders, you might not know what wonders it brings out when it stretches its magical arms into RIVERS. 


Imagine standing in the middle of a lush green forest of amazingly tall trees, cooing birds, and whistling winds, looking straight above the sky – so heavenly a picture. But when you realize you’re standing on the rugged stone of a slippery cliff, and right before you, exists such a devilish sight that can tremble your soul to its very inside, that is when you recall you are standing at THE DEVIL’S KETTLE!💀



At first glance, it looks normal like any other waterfall, but the amazement is beyond that. What sets it apart is its HIDDEN MYSTERY: WHERE DOES THE WATER GO? 🤔 Well, apparently it is the western division of The Brule River, the eastern fall into a normal downstream, but the western fall goes into a rocky pothole, where half the river disappears.



For decades people and visitors. Visitors throw ping pong balls and GPS trackers in the hope that they would appear somewhere downstream or nearby, but they never found out. Some legends say that people even threw a car into it without seeing it resurface above. But the Kettle is wholly inaccessible by road, so most people just consider it a hyperbole. However, some many people and locals believe that water finds its way into any other parallel universe. Some believe the pothole is a door to the satanic realm. Most people believe in such ideas because the media shows the waterfall as something mysterious and an opening to devilish activities 😰. 2009’s film Jennifer’s Body showed The Devil’s Kettle as an offering spot to Satan where they gift virgins’ blood to Satan. The Lighthouse Road (2012) and Wintering(2016), two historical novels, also show this waterfall as The Devil's Maw, which it is the central part of the plot.

Jennifer's Body - Ping Pong Ball Experimentation


Folklores and Legends are created easily but the interesting fact about them is that there is not a single confirmation of any scientific facts proposed by scientists as well. Scientists have performed Dye experiments by throwing green dyes and keeping a check on whether it appears or not on any surface, whose results have kept them disappointed. Other experiments from 2016 & 2017 just reach an end the fall joins The Brule River back from somewhere beneath the surface. 

Well, it is a task to find it out. Nature can be intriguing and mysterious, and Devil’s Kettle serves as nature’s open secret. Though no specific conclusions exist about its outlets, propositions are always welcome!


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